Concrete Transportation Foley Walk (2023)

This solo project creates a proposal for a visitor's center based around the subject of concrete. The specific focus of concrete within my site deals with the transportation of concrete, with two added modifiers being density and assembly line. The site itself reuses the existing Sibley Quarry in Michigan, given the location's proximity to the highway, railroads, and riverfront. The project uses the pink colored buildings as sculptural, but functional foleys where visitors and staff might have a moment to stop and reflect on various concrete transportation methods while traversing the path meandering through the site. 

The video below showcases how the foleys are inspired by existing structures on the site, as well as their relationship to the path. The construction and seasonal usage are also displayed.

 3-Year MArch Dual Degree Candidate (Expected Graduation 2026)
Cell: (248) 480-3293